Are You Sensitive to Electrosmog?

The Symptoms of Electrosensitivity and How You Might Help Yourself


In case you don’t already know, electrosmog is the invisible electromagnetic radiation resulting from the use of both main (AC) electricity and wireless technology.  The most common wireless electrosmog sources are:  wireless networks, cordless phones, cordless baby alarms, mobile/cellular phone masts/towers/transmitters, and mobile/cellular phones.

Electrosmog is responsible for a condition known as electrosensitivity (ES) or electrohypersensitivity (EHS).  It isn’t officially a medical “disease” but a growing number of medical professionals are recognizing that certain patients suffer from it. Symptoms include: chronic fatigue, headaches, depression, skin issues, hypersensitivity and erratic blood pressure, poor sleep patterns, and behavioural patterns in children.

Children, the elderly and anyone with a lowered immune system are most at risk from the health effects.  The health effects from electrosmog can take 10 – 20 years to manifest themselves, however for some, the effect can appear immediately.

The LifeWave company makes no claims that their patches can protect you in anyway from electrosmog.  But my own personal experience with electrosmog on our travels down I-55 (the interstate between Springfield, IL and St. Louis, MO) gives me hope that a person can at least protect themselves from the symptoms manifesting from exposure to electrosmog.

It used to be that whenever we traveled with our kids on this highway, especially in one particular stretch, their behavior was an issue.  But now, when we know that stretch of highway is coming up, which happens to be an area where there are cell towers on both sides of the interstate, I patch them behind the right ear with Aeon and they coast through that area with “leveled” behavior.

I wonder if other symptoms of  electrosensitivity could be deminished or eliminated with the application of LifeWave’s Aeon patch?!?!

Gretchen Uhe
LifeWave Patch Training Team Consultant

Distributor No: 759284


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The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences. Thus, individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions.

You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on Phototherapy Patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit If you’re new to Phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave Brand Partner, contact the Patch Training Team Support Team by submitting a message at the bottom of this page/


The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences, thus individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions. You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on phototherapy patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit

If you’re new to phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave brand partner, reach out to the Support Team for assistance in connecting with a member of the Patch Training Team.