Five Elements Detoxification Protocol
An easy way to see this visually is to draw a turtle with a big head. Starting from the head, label it Fire, then rotating clockwise, the first leg is labeled Earth, the second leg on the right is labeled Metal or “air,” the third leg on the left is labeled Water, and finally, the last leg on the leg is labeled Wood. Draw arrows between each element going clockwise. You can also draw a secondary circle on the outside, going clockwise to represent the Yang phase of each element. In contrast, the inner arrows represent the Yin phase of each element. The clockwise movement is called the Creative Cycle.
We have 3 different phases of energy in Chinese Medicine as well: Jing, Qi, and Shen.
Usually, when we are talking about rebalancing the energy. Jing is the physical, Qi is energetic, and Shen is the spiritual level.
Jing can break down into Qi. Qi can break down into Shen. Shen can precipitate into Qi and Qi can precieiptate into Jing. When healing something physical, like cancer, the Chinese philosophy says you can’t just “cut it out” (Jing) because you have to deal with the causes, including the energy and spirit. You have to address all three levels.
Rupert Sheldrake brought up morphogenetic fields, making them more mainstream in science. Disharmonious frequencies, like electromagnetic fields, can create holes in your Wei Qi field (energetic immunity) and make people vulnerable to sickness.
Balancing at the level of the Qi is what the 5 Elements Protocol is all about. Dr. Dennis and Dr. Karen also balance the Shen level with their expertise.
Other philosophies have the Earth in the center of the image, whereas all the different energies have to go through the Earth. But in Worsely 5 Elements training, they moved Earth to the outside. The latter model is what we are talking about today.
For the Creation Cycle, for example, Fire is the mother of Earth, and Earth is the mother of Metal. Similarly, Earth is the child of Fire, and Metal is the child of Earth.
For the Control Cycle, draw an arrow from Wood to Earth, Earth to Water, Water to Fire, Fire to Metal, and Metal to Wood. This is the regulating cycle. For example, the wood would be the grandmother of earth, and the earth would be the grandmother of water, etc. There is a balance between water and fire. Disturbances there can cause Shen issues (spirit issues).
The yin phase is the spleen, and the yang phase is the stomach. Spleen 6 is the yin point on the left side of the body, and Stomach 36 is the yang point on the right side of the body. Options for patching this element are:
- Original Protocol IceWave or Energy Enhancer tan patch on left SP6, and a white patch on right ST36
- For stress relief and hormone balancing actions, use the SP6 Complete patch on the left SP6 and the Aeon patch on the right ST36
- For Stem cell enhancement actions, use X39 on the left SP6 and X49 on the right ST36
- For supporting repair and detoxification, use Carnosine on the left SP6 and use Glutathione or Aeon on the right ST36 (Carnosine is relatively yin as compared with Aeon or Glutathione patch)
The yin phase is the lung, and the yang phase is the large intestine. The yin-yang pair Dr. Dennis likes is lung 7
Connecting point that pulls energy from the large intestine to the lung) or lung 9 (Source point) on the left side of the body, and large intestine 4 or 11.
- Original Protocol IceWave or Energy Enhancer tan patch on left LU 7 or 9, and a white patch on right LI 4 or 11
- For stress relief and hormone balancing actions, use the SP6 Complete patch on the left LU 7 or 9 and Aeon patch on the right LI 4 or 11
- For Stem cell enhancement actions, use X39 on the left SP6 and X49 on the LI 4 or 11
The yin phase is the kidney, and the yang phase is the bladder. The yin point is kidney 3, and the yang point would be bladder 60.
- Original Protocol IceWave or Energy Enhancer tan patch on left KI3, and a white patch on right BL60
- For stress relief and hormone balancing actions, use the SP6 Complete patch on the left KI3 and Aeon patch on the right BL60
- For Stem cell enhancement actions, use X39 on the left KI3 and X49 on the right BL60
- For supporting repair and detoxification, use Carnosine on the left KI3 and use Glutathione or Aeon on the right BL60 (Carnosine is relatively yin as compared with Aeon or Glutathione patch)
The yin phase is the liver, and the yang phase is the gallbladder. The yin point we use is liver 3, and the yang point can be gallbladder 40 (Source Point) or gallbladder 41 (master point for the Dai Ma, belt channel, which intersects all the other meridians going up and down the body). Liver 3 is a crucial point because it is indicated for dispersing stagnant liver Qi. Toxicity causes stagnation very easily in our society. For example, NSAIDs and statin drugs, toxic psychology stress, fear, and threats, can cause liver qi stagnation. If the liver is too much, the liver can “attack” the spleen and cause spleen qi deficiency. The latter is essential for keeping blood in the blood vessels. When blood leaks out, it is called reckless blood. Liver qi stagnation causes an increase in reckless blood.
- Original Protocol IceWave or Energy Enhancer tan patch on left LV3, and a white patch on right GB 40 or 41.
- For stress relief and hormone balancing actions, use the SP6 Complete patch on the left LV3 and the Aeon patch on the right GB40 or 41
- For Stem cell enhancement actions, use X39 on the left LV3 and X49 on the right GB40 or 41
- For supporting repair and detoxification, use Carnosine on the left LV3 and use Glutathione or Aeon on the right GB 40 or 41 (Carnosine is relatively yin as compared with Aeon or Glutathione patch)
For each element, you can divide it up into Yin and Yang. On the inside, closer to the center of the circle at the turtle’s head, write the yin meridians (heart and pericardium); on the outside part, write the yang meridian (small intestine and triple warmer). These are two yin/yang pairs in Fire. The heart has three protectors. The closest protector is its yang consort, the small intestine. Then the next closest is pericardium and triple warmer, respectively.
If the heart is the Emporer in its castle, and commands, regulates all the other organs in all the other elements, and has three protectors sitting in its castle. The walls of the castle are small intestines. These walls have little windows that can constrict and dilate to let in nutrients and suitable information and let out waste and bad information. Think of these are filters. They often get obstructed and the heart gets toxic. Toxicity isn’t just physical. It can be energetic and spiritual.
The pericardium represents the drawbridge to the castle. It can block things coming into the heart or let things in and vice versa. The Triple Burner represents the moat surrounding the castle. It is the last protector of the heart. San Jao of Triple Burner is like a water channel in Chinese medicine which means “hormones” in Western Medicine.
The yin point we use is Pericardium 6 on the left and triple burner (san jiao) 5 on the right. We would use this yin/yang pair for heart protector issues, including emotional and psychological issues. We would use the heart and small intestine for more mechanical/physical issues, such as heart rhythm problems and blockages. The yin/yang pair here would be heart 7 and small intestine 4. The heart-racing can be helped with this pair. Palpitation symptoms, for example. Just select which yin/yang pair you want to use.
- Original Protocol IceWave or Energy Enhancer tan patch on left PC6 or HT7, and a white patch on right TB5 or SI4.
- For stress relief and hormone balancing actions, use the SP6 Complete patch on the left PC6 or HT7 and the Aeon patch on the right TB5 or SI4.
- For Stem cell enhancement actions, use X39 on the left PC6 or HT7 and X49 on the right TB5 or SI4
- For supporting repair and detoxification, use Carnosine on the left PC6 or HT7 and use Glutathione or Aeon on the right TB5 or SI4 (Carnosine is relatively yin as compared with Aeon or Glutathione patch)
Do the 5 Elements Protocol daily, starting with Earth. And two days off. Dr. Dennis’ coauthored a book, Consistent Winning, back in the 90’s, discussing the Fibonacci sequence. How to peak performance based on the golden mean and spiral. You take advantage of the Fibonacci sequence energy when doing 5 days on and 2 days off.
Q & A Callers
Q: Is there a benefit of using the yang point on the left and yin point on the right?
A: (Dr. Dennis) This can be helpful for people with reversed polarity. For example, you can swap if an anxious person gets worse with the standard yin/yang pair. In pain situations that are caused by blockages to the flow of qi, sometimes, when patching with IceWave patches, it may work better to put the white patch on the pain and the tan patch circling around (the opposite of the usual Clock Method)
Q: Is reckless blood why she would bruise easily? In 2016 she had a biopsy for a growth manifesting in the left breast. She’s been using the patches for six weeks.
A: Dr. Dennis recommends Earth Yin/Yang pair with SP6C on the left SP6 and Aeon on the right ST36. It’s like taking energetic Ginseng. She may wish to use this more often, so staggering Earth between each element. So, for example, do Earth, Metal, Earth, Water, Earth, Wood, Earth, Fire, etc
Dr. Dennis mentioned that he can work with her individually.
Q: She wanted to know if surrounding the dragon protocol with glutathione may help Kristen. She would like to know where SI4 is. Where is bladder 60? Gallbladder 40/41
A: Dr. Dennis said that using intention, one could place patches around the problem area to optimize the patch’s efficacy in his experience.
On the ulnar pinky side of the wrist, there is a depression on the side of the wrist: SI4. If it is sore, patch that area.
Bladder 60 on the outside of the ankle between the Achilles tendon and the lateral malleolus. It is opposite Kidney 3.
Gallbladder 40 is in front of the lateral ankle bone (where folks twist their ankle), and Gallbladder 41 is found on top of the foot between the little toe and fourth toe.
Q: Are there any contraindications to using the patches?
A: Dr. Karen mentioned that the best way to give advice to a practitioner is to let them know what LifeWave has researched and not researched (for example, children, pregnancy, and breastfeeding have not been researched) and also to give anecdotal reports of clinicians using the patches.
Dr. Dennis and Dr. Karen mentioned that patches like Glutathione and X39 are counterproductive during active cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy.
Dr. Karen mentioned a “soft” contraindication would be someone unwilling to be open to natural therapies and for whom it would be a waste of money.
Healthwise with Dr. Dennis Lobstein
To tune into more in-depth training with Dr. Dennis Lobstein, you may attend the AcuWave Community Health Education Healthwise Clinic Zoom room on the third Monday of every month at 3:00 PM EDT (find your timezone).
To contact Dr. Dennis for a personal consult, message him on Facebook here.
The Zoom Room Link is available through the PDF below.
Discover how to improve your health, including how energy and Asian Medicine work. Nurse Heidi and Dr. Dennis will facilitate this call, and each discussion topic is open to those in attendance. He will be discussing health science about overall well-being*.
For additional wellness training with Dr. Dennis Lobstein, click here.
HeidiLobsteinNurse@gmail.com to attend the online clinic meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month.
*In this clinic, Dr. Dennis & Nurse Heidi do not cure, treat, or diagnose any allopathic, western disease.