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Ask The Doctors Q&A September 30th, 2024

Ask the Doctors Live on Zoom | Dr. Karen Kan + Dr. Dennis Lobstein

Over the past decade, our discussions have spanned various wellness topics, from spirituality to pain management to detoxification, covering nearly every organ in the body. To explore this wealth of knowledge, simply visit and search for the specific topic that piques your interest. 

Embark on a journey into holistic healing, where our expertise in Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, exercise physiology, and more converge to provide wellness recommendations while sharing the basic principles of holistic healing. 

Due to recent regulatory changes, this event’s recording replay can only be found through the private educational platform Kajabi. Joining is free. To access this month’s recording (and future ones), you may opt-in by visiting

It is prohibited to copy, screen record, or share this recording anywhere without explicit permission from the Patch Training Team.

🚫**DISCLAIMER** The advice included in this meeting, including using phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. The opinions shared in this Zoom meeting are based on personal and clinical experiences, so your results may vary. If you have a severe medical condition, please consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and/or use your intuition to decide whether any of the recommendations would fit you. 

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience remarkable outcomes using the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, which have undergone thorough research. We recommend that these points be the primary areas to patch.

By engaging in our Zoom sessions or exploring the information provided on this website, you acknowledge that our discussion goes beyond phototherapy and accept full responsibility for any consequences of implementing our recommendations or suggestions.

You agree to hold harmless LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her staff, and all members of the Patch Training Team.

If you are unfamiliar with phototherapy tools and/or are not already working with a LifeWave Brand Partner, you may contact the Patch Training Team by clicking here to be contacted by a team member.

Healthwise with Dr. Dennis Lobstein

Dr. Dennis would like everyone to know that he will begin his Healthwise Clinic Zoom room on the third Monday of September at 2:00 PM Arizona (Mountain Standard Time). The Zoom room link is available through the PDF on this page.

You may also check out → CPT index tab → Stress Intervention Team → You’ll see recordings of the wellness training from Dr. Dennis

Email with any questions related to Healthwise, the website, and to get on the email mailing list.

Yin/Yang Patch Pair

Please note that when we mention the Yin/Yang patch pair, we mean a pairing of two patches, whereby the one on the left is relatively yin compared to the patch on the right. 

Examples of Yin/Yang phototherapy patching pairs are:

  • Energy Enhancer: The Tan patch is yin, the White patch is yang
  • IceWave: The Tan patch is yin, the White patch is yang
  • SP6C + Aeon: SP6C on the left (yin), Aeon on the right (yang)
  • X39 + X49: X39 on the left (yin), X49 on the right (yang)

Yin/Yang meridians pair also refers to patching a Yin acupuncture point on the left side of the body and a Yang acupuncture point on the right side belonging to the same element. 

Examples of Yin/Yang element pairings:

  • Earth: Spleen/Stomach
  • Metal: Lung/Large Intestine
  • Water: Kidney/Bladder
  • Wood: Liver/Gallbladder

Fire: Pericardium/Triple Burner (more emotional) or Heart/Small Intestine (more physical)

Q&A Intro

Dr. Dennis mentioned that Jet Lag symptoms include fatigue, headache, insomnia, nausea, feeling out of sorts, and being out of sync with your biorhythms when you go to a new time zone. He noted that using phototherapy patches on the 4 Gates points is helpful. You can also use these points for hangover and alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

  • Large Intestine 4 on both hands
  • Liver 3 on both feet

He often uses the tan Energy Enhancer or IceWave path on the left Liver 3 and the white Energy Enhancer or IceWave patch on the right Large Intestine 4, but you can use any Yin/Yang patch pairing. You can also use both points (Add a patch on right Gallbladder 8 (for hangover symptoms – and being out of phase) above the ear. Consider wearing a hat to stick the patch to the GB8 area or under the hair using a bobby pin. Alternatively, he uses Gallbladder 41, the master point of the belt channel, which connects to all the channels. 

These points clear blockages very well. Wind manifests as tremors and shaking. The liver and Gallbladder points help with excess wind. When liver energy rises or stagnates, it manifests in high blood pressure. 

If you use both sets of points, you can use the Sky-Earth paradigm, where you use both whites on the hands LI4 and both tans on the feet on LV3.

Topics Discussed

Upcoming LifeWave Events

Dr. Karen Kan discussed upcoming LifeWave events, including the “Manifesting Miracles” workshop and a Q&A session on phototherapy. She noted that the workshop will cost $20 and is currently only open to the Patch Training Team, but it will be shared with the broader group later.

Jet Lag Symptoms @ 8:37

Dr. Dennis shared a protocol for addressing jet lag symptoms, using Large Intestine 4, Liver 3, and Gallbladder points. He explained how this helps rebalance the body’s rhythms and energy when travelling across time zones.

Tremors, Shuffling Gait, and Nervous System, Support @ 11:54

A participant shared symptoms of tremors, shuffling gait, and other neurological issues. The doctors recommended using Gallbladder 20, Gallbladder 31, Liver 3, and Gallbladder 39 acupoints to help address internal wind and support the nervous system.

Speech Hesitation and Tongue Function @ 1:09:47

The doctors advised using the brain balancing protocol, acupoint Heart 5, and Conception Vessel 19 to help regulate speech and tongue function for children and adults experiencing speech blocks or repetitions.

Staying Awake with Patches @ 1:17:07

The doctors discussed why some people may stay awake when using sleep-promoting patches like Aeon or Alavida. They recommended trying Kidney 6 and Bladder 62 with reversed polarity to help sedate the arousal channel and tonify the rest channel.

Avoiding EMF Exposure at Night @ 1:22:01

Dr. Karen emphasized the importance of avoiding cell phone and WiFi exposure at night, as the body is more susceptible to energetic influences during sleep. She recommended using a landline phone and a WiFi “kill switch” from to minimize EMF exposure.

Combining Detox Patches @ 1:28:45

The doctors discussed the benefits of using patches like X39, Carnosine, and Glutathione but cautioned against using them all at once, especially for those new to the patches. They advised getting familiar with each patch’s purpose and combining them strategically, using intuition and a step-by-step approach.

Q&A Submissions


Q: Since dental work earlier this year, there’s been persistent discomfort on one side of the neck and burning pain on the left side of the face. Dentists say it’s unrelated to the teeth. Patching strategies, including Aeon, X39, and IceWave, targeting various areas, but the pain persists on the opposite side of the recent dental work.

A: Dr. Dennis – try the Brain Balancing Strategy to rebalance the neurology of the autonomic nervous systems. You can use Energy Enhancers on Kidney 9 on both legs. The kidney is responsible for the nervous system and resets Yin energy.

To clear a large area, use IceWave white on the right Stomach 7 and IceWave tan on the left Stomach 44. You can also use both Stomach 77/44 with two sets of patches. 

Remember to hydrate with electrolytes, add salt (Himalayan or Celtic Salt), and structure it (crystals, Mayu Swirl, natural action water funnel). Dr. Dennis uses a Kangen Machine to structure and create molecular hydrogen in his water for optimal hydration.

Sally R.

Q: For an adult in her early 60s using X39, Carnosine, Aeon, and Glutathione who is experiencing a shuffling walk, hunched posture, and shaking but is starting to see results, what acupuncture points could be helpful? Additionally, should a binder like charcoal be used alongside Glutathione to support detoxification?

A: Dr. Dennis states many symptoms are from “excess wind” or internal wind. You can use Gallbladder 20 on the back of the neck and Gallbladder 31 on the sides of the thigh. For example, use IceWave white on the right and IceWave tan on the left. Use any Yin/Yang phototherapy Patch pairing (see above). Gallbladder 39 will help with the flaccidity, shuffling, and weakness in the Gallbladder channel. GB39 benefits Kidney marrow and bones. That may help the nervous system (“marrow” in Chinese Medicine).

Liver 3 can be useful to disperse stagnation so that might be helpful. Liver and gallbladder are often used together. 

Addressing stress with Aeon daily and supporting the Qi and energy is always beneficial. Additionally, Energy Enhancer on Stomach 36 on the side of the knee (see the brochure) may help.

Q: Can someone use two X39’s?

A: Yes, it isn’t “wrong.” However, try it and see how it feels intuitively. You can also use Ah Shi (tender or sore) points instead of following the exact points from the brochure.

Karen L.

Q: What patching protocol would you recommend for head pain on top of the head caused by stress? The pain feels like pressure and is sometimes preceded by a sensation of heat. Currently taking monthly injections and emergency medications as needed, and ice packs occasionally help.

A: Large Intestine 4 is an effective point for this type of discomfort, removing the excess Yang Qi. You may use IceWave White here.

Place an Aeon on the sore spot on the top of the head, Governing Vessel 20 (don’t use alone if you have a headache). Also, use any two tans on the bottom of the heels to ground the energy. Shimian is the name of the acupuncture points on the bottom of the heel. 

Roshni N.

Q: Is there a patch suggestion for blocked or erratic speech? 

A: Dr. Dennis suggests the Aeon Brain Balancing Strategy plus Energy Enhancer or IceWave on Heart 5 (or any yin/yang patch pairing – see above). Heart 5 influences the tongue and speech. The tongue is a window to the heart, and the heart’s energy forms the words. 

Conception Vessel 19 might be an additional support. It can be considered a Brain Balancing point on the top of the head. It unbinds the chest (in case there are any chest symptoms) and it also moves the energy downwards.

For excess speaking:

  • Conception 19 on the head will move the energy down when used with Heart 5. It descends the Qi while Heart 5 regulates the tongue. 
  • Example: Put a yang patch on CV 19 and any tan patch on Heart 5 (see yin/yang pairing)


Q: Why might using Alavida and Aeon make sleeping worse?

A: To help manage excess energy near the head, consider using points further from the head, such as Liver 3 or Shimian (on the heel). Another option is to apply Alavida on the 3rd Eye/Anja Chakra and Silent Nights or Carnosine on the right heel. An overactive Kidney 6 may contribute to insomnia, so patching this point with IceWave or Energy Enhancer during the day could help regulate the channel. You might also try the yin/yang pair of Kidney 6 (white patch on the left) and Bladder 62 (tan patch on the right), with Kidney 6 as the master point for rest and Bladder 62 for arousal. Additionally, Dr. Karen recommends turning off the cell phone and WiFi router at night for better sleep.


Q: Is it useful to wear X39/X49/Carnosine/Glutathione simultaneously? Will I get faster results?

A: Using these patches all at once may not increase the speed of self-healing. However, depending on your goals, use them consciously based on your symptoms and/or health goals. Ensure you are staying hydrated.

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The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences. Thus, individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions.

You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on Phototherapy Patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit If you’re new to Phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave Brand Partner, contact the Patch Training Team Support Team by submitting a message at the bottom of this page/


The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences, thus individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions. You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on phototherapy patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit

If you’re new to phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave brand partner, reach out to the Support Team for assistance in connecting with a member of the Patch Training Team.