Glutathione Production Requires Magnesium

Magnesium Deficiency Prevents Glutathione Production


Glutathione is a crucial “master” anti-oxidant in the body that requires adequate magnesium in the body to synthesize. Glutathione synthetase requires ?-glutamyl cysteine, glycine, ATP, and magnesium ions to form glutathione. Here’s a great article all about it here.

According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, low magnesium is associated with dramatic increases in free radical generation as well as glutathione depletion and this is vital since glutathione is one of the few antioxidant molecules known to neutralize mercury.

The best way to get the most out of LifeWave Glutathione patches is to make sure you’re getting adequate magnesium. Since magnesium levels are low in the standard American diet and you’d have to eat five times as much organic food as our grandparents did just to get enough (because of our soil’s nutrient-depleted state), I recommend using Magnesium Oil every day.

Among others, common conditions associated with magnesium deficiency are:

  • diabetics
  • people with heart disease and heart rhythm problems
  • people with thyroid conditions
  • people with chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia
  • people with ADHD, depression or PMS
  • elite athletes
  • people on long-term medication such as blood pressure pills, oral contraceptive pills etc.
  • people with muscle spasms or energy production problems
  • anyone with significant chronic disease
  • people with digestive problems such as Crohns, irritable bowel etc.
Magnesium through the skin is much more efficient than through the gut and it is in the active form (magnesium chloride) that doesn’t require the stomach’s acid to convert the oral form into the active form (for example you need HCl from the stomach to convert magnesium citrate to magnesium chloride). Many older folks or people on mediation do not have enough HCl in their stomach to accomplish this conversion.

I recommend a magnesium oil/lotion/gel that gets it’s magnesium from a pure non-toxic source. I use Ancient Minerals for myself and my patients.
You can start with 1-3 sprays in the arm pit, or 1 oz. in a hot foot soak daily (oil). It stings a bit so you may have to work up to the dose. You should either use the lotion or dilute the oil half strength with distilled water for children or sensitive individuals.

Together with magnesium through the skin, the LifeWave Glutathione Patches enhance the body’s own production of glutathione which in turn, enhances the ability of the body to flush out toxins such as heavy metals (common in people).

LifeWave Patch Training Team Consultant
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The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences. Thus, individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions.

You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on Phototherapy Patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit If you’re new to Phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave Brand Partner, contact the Patch Training Team Support Team by submitting a message at the bottom of this page/


The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences, thus individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions. You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on phototherapy patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit

If you’re new to phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave brand partner, reach out to the Support Team for assistance in connecting with a member of the Patch Training Team.