Healthier Weight and Life with LifeWave

LifeWave Patches, Provide Multiple Health Benefits



In a recent article from Self magazine I found some excellent benefits from loosing Just 10 pounds. The article states that by taking off just 10 pounds  you’ll experience all of these health benefits and more: a better memory, a happier mood, shrunken fat cells, better sex, less pressure on your joints and a lower risk for diabetes. This reminded me of how LifeWave SP6 Complete Patches provide us a powerful tool in the fight for healthy weight. Along with other LifeWave patches, a healthier life and healthier weight are attainable.

Of course it is just as important to discuss that we need to eat healthy, non-processed and non-chemical laden foods. A perfect rule to recall is to stay away from the 3 B’s, if it comes processed and packaged in a Bag, Bottle or a Box do not eat it. These foods are loaded with chemicals, dyes and sugars that are very appealing to the satisfaction center in the brain, so then it tells you to eat more to feel that “great satiation feeling” without having much nutritional value for your body. The other very important item to remember is that our bodies are primarily made up of water,  almost everyone is always in a state of dehydration. If you get the signal from your body that you are thirsty, it is already too late, you are very dehydrated already. Everyone should drink at least 10% of their body weight in ounces of pure water.

The article when on to point out:

Save Brainpower: Women scored one point lower on a memory test for every unit higher in body mass index. Translation: Fat may make you forgetful.

Get Faster: Flab’s a drag. Literally. For every pound of fat you lose, you run up to 4 seconds faster per mile; with 10 gone, that’s up to 40 seconds off your mile time, says Paul Vanderburgh, Ed.D., an exercise physiologist at the University of Dayton.

Improve Your Mood: You can feel more confident  and upbeat by peeling off that tenner. It’s enough of a change to raise your body image and energy level; it may even help lift depression.

Be Ready for Baby: “Just a small amount of excess weight may alter pregnancy hormones such as progesterone—which can affect egg quality and prevent ovulation,” says Meike Uhler, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist at Fertility Centers of Illinois in Naperville.

Shrink Your Fat Cells: Yep, you’ll actually make the cells smaller. That means a tinier waist  and other big payoffs such as a healthier heart—ab flab raises your risk for heart disease.

Earn More Dough: Women with excess pounds make nearly $10,000 less per year than their average-weight coworkers. Possibly they are less assertive. Slim down and you may up your take-charge attitude and your take-home pay.

Sex Up Your Sex Life: “The biggest benefits in the bedroom come from weight loss and regular exercise. Both put women in touch with their bodies in a positive way, which increases sex drive,” says Ronette Kolotkin, Ph.D., a consulting professor at Duke University School of Medicine. “Plus, there’s no lingerie sexier than confidence—and a small loss can take you there.”

Dodge Diabetes: You know that extra pounds can lead to prediabetes and diabetes! But shedding 5 to 10 percent of your weight can slash that risk by nearly 60 percent. If you’re 150 pounds, a 7.5-pound loss may keep you healthy.

Stay Off the Sidelines: Downsize yourself and your risk for injury diminishes, too. Every pound of body weight translates to about 4 pounds of force on your ankles, knees and hips when you’re walking, so 10 extra pounds on your frame means 40 more pounds of pressure on your joints. Trim down slightly and your joints will suffer less wear and tear.

Using a regime of LifeWave SP6 complete patches, along with Y-Age Aeon and Energy Enhancer Patches a healthier life and healthier weight can be a reachable goal for most anyone. Along with non-processed and non-chemical laden foods you just might be surprised at how great you can feel. It is a huge misconception that purchasing the fresh fruits, Veggies and organic is way more expensive that the others. However it has been noted eating foods that are not processed, or full of chemical and sugars and dyes, that people actually eat less.

So a question that Suzanne Somers, the Ambassador for LifeWave, asks is ” So which would you rather eat? The foods loaded with poisons or the foods with out?”  What would you rather put into your body and that of your children? Suzanne has written about her use and benefits of LifeWave patches in her recent books, pick one up and check out what she has to say.


If you have questions about using LifeWave patches to improve your health, contact me.

Tami A Bushey, RN

Independent LifeWave Distributor


(518) 593-1942





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The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences. Thus, individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions.

You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on Phototherapy Patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit If you’re new to Phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave Brand Partner, contact the Patch Training Team Support Team by submitting a message at the bottom of this page/


The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences, thus individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions. You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on phototherapy patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit

If you’re new to phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave brand partner, reach out to the Support Team for assistance in connecting with a member of the Patch Training Team.