Study Reveal Effectiveness of LifeWave AcuLife Patches
LifeWave patches work, and there’s now even more clinical research to prove just how well they do!
For those who don’t know, AcuLife patches provides pain relief and reduces inflammation in horses. AcuLife patches utilize similar technology as other LifeWave patches, with the exception of a bead that’s included to help apply pressure to veterinarian-recommended acupuncture points.
The study conducted included 53 horses of varying ages (4-31 years old). The horses had pain symptoms and were first evaluated by a vet to assess the severity of their pain based on acupuncture palpations (on a scale of 1-10) and infrared thermal imaging. Statistical analysis of the acupuncture palpation data revealed a very highly significant reduction in pain level due to wearing the AcuLife patches in the affected (painful) areas compared to Placebo. In every horse the sensitivity and pain observed were considerably lower compared to pre-patch application.
It’s important for every LifeWave Member to recognize, that even if you don’t distribute AcuLife patches currently, this clinical research study only adds validity to all LifeWave patch products because AcuLife utilizes similar technology.
To learn more about AcuLife patches, go HERE