In this two-part distributor training, I share how to handle referrals from the web that I receive as part of online marketing efforts. Included are specific scripts for phone and email.
In the second part of the training, I teach you six different ways to perform self-muscle testing. We also discuss how trapped emotions can block you from abundance and health. Trapped emotions, as described by Dr. Bradley Nelson, are pockets of energy that are interrupting flow in your body.
Many of these were trapped when you were young and some were even inherited. If you have an inherited trapped emotion, you may have “inherited” a block to manifesting health or wealth. Good news is that we can easily diagnose these trapped emotions and then release them in a few seconds. I show you how in this powerful training.
Silver and Gold Access and Patch Training Team members can view this recording HERE. This is private so do not share with anyone else.
Dr. Karen