LifeWave Distributor Training Attracting the “right” Clients in our LifeWave Business
In this week’s LifeWave Distributor Training call we discussed how sometimes our energy attracts “difficult” clients. Sometimes our own complexity tells the Universe to only bring us complex patching customers. It is OK to ask the Universe for EASY.
Do you find sometimes it is easy to get side-tracked? That you have the best intentions with regards to the LifeWave business, but something ALWAYS gets in the way of your success? Next week we’ve voted on doing some Emotional Baggage release within the marketing group so that we can “do” the business with ease and grace – and more easily attract the “right” kinds of folks to our business. Listen in on this week’s training to discover:
1. whether you should be learning/using muscle testing or not
2. which patches are used the most often and why?
3. what tools you can use if you’re being asked to help people without expending too much of your own energy
Listen to the recording HERE.
Enjoy the call!