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What do you do if your immune system is out of whack? What if it is attacking your own body? What if it is “lazy” or not working the way it should? Is there a way we can use LifeWave protocols to help support the body’s natural immune system balance?
That’s the topic for today’s radio show!
There are a lot of environmental factors that can lead to the immune system attacking itself. It’s not about increasing the immune system but to increase the balance of it. The Chinese way is to balance yin and yang. Let’s explain from a Chinese Medicine perspective.
The Wood element is involved as a protector or warrior. Water is the mother element that nourishes Wood. The water in our bodies carries the energy signature from our environment and our consciousness. The Wood then feeds the Fire. If Wood is stagnant, then it can attack the Earth which is Spleen energy (holds blood in the vessels). And if Wood is stagnant, that can cause increase pressure in the arteries and headaches (yang rising). Imbalances involved: too much wind (itching, headaches), damp (swelling) and heat (itchy, hot) can cause the immune system to be out of whack. This is often caused by Yin deficiency – the anchor for our energy is weak. It can be attacked by toxins, antibiotics (causes inflammation of the gut) and other medications. Sometimes the so-called inert ingredients or adjuvants (eg. vaccines) in medications can attack the yin. Mercury is an example of a toxin that attacks the yin. If yin gets too weak, it can’t anchor the yang probably and can result in Qi (Vitality) problems among other things. There are cumulative negative effects of being exposed to GMO foods, pesticides, herbicides, medications to name a few.
The treatment protocol is to disperse the damp, let the heat go and let go of the wind. We need to improve our nutrition, omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D through the sunlight. If you use cortisone/steroid to clear overactive immune system/inflammation long term, it can result in long term inflammation due to the yin being damaged. The connective tissue cells die and they don’t lay down healthy tissues. That makes them weak (another example of yin deficiency). The triple burner is bringing source Qi to all the other channels.
White blood cells are made in the marrow. The kidney Qi rules bone marrow. So kidney points are good to tonify (make strong). The master meeting point of all marrow (includes Central nervous system brain etc.) is GB39. That’s another great point to regulate self-attacks.
Calm the process:
- cut down factors attacking yin (see above)
- Bladder 22 back SHU for triple burner channel – helps restore the yin in the triple burner channel. Use Energy Enhancer patches.

- Bladder 39 – supports the marrow – 3 cun above the outside ankle bone. White Energy Enhancer on right and Tan on the left. Or Aeon on right and SP6C on the left if you want to also balance hormones. Alternative Alavida patch on right and negative patch (SP6C or any Tan patch). Another alternative is WinFit on the right GB39 during the day and use carnosine (building tissue) while you sleep on the same point.
- Bladder 17 influential point for the blood – back SHU point for the diaphragm just below thoracic vertebrae 7 – also patch positive patch on right and negative patch on the left.

- Influential point for the Qi CV17 in the middle of the chest. The lungs are high concentration for glutathione so you might wish to put a glutathione patch on this point.

You can use specific points to calm wind, draining damp and releasing heat. For example, if you have inflammatory patchy dry skin. The skin is after the regulation of the lung qi, thus emphasize the lung in the five element rotation (more often) and the yuan source point LUNG 9 on the left with large intestine point on the right arm, and the back SHU points for the lung BLADDER 13.

Pancreas issues are under the Spleen channel. So in this case you’d use back SHU BLADDER 20 with Energy Enhancers alternating with Spleen 6 (you can use Y-Age or use Energy Enhancers on another day).
To support immune system attacking nervous system, use the points for supporting marrow above and also Add BLADDER 23 and KIDNEY 3 points with Energy Enhancers on alternate days.

Eventually yang qi gets low due to long term immune system issues, you may need to support it by patching CV4 or GV4 to include with what else you’re patching. If you use Y-Age you can alternate different days. You can make it stronger by using a negative patch on the front eg. SP6C or TAN patch, and one of the positive patches on the back GV4 such as Aeon or Glutathione.