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The brain has its own lymphatic system called the glymphatics which gets rid of toxins during sleep. You can hold a white and left Icewave patches in your right and left hands, respectively, you can sweep across the temples down the neck. We’re also moving chi and blood as well as the lymph. You go from the forehead or temples and then sweep over top of the head or the side of the head down the neck.
CASE: A woman was experiencing a severe cramp in the neck with tremors and neck pain and head tilt to the one side. Dr. Dennis put patches on the opposite side of the neck that is turned. He put the WHITE on the mastoid bone area TB16 and the TAN patch on the front where clavicle and sternum come together around ST11 or CV22.

Simple protocol for stiff neck or neck pain:
- Put a Y-Age Aeon patch on GV14

It is a crossroads meridian for all the other yang channels except the large intestine meridian. This blows out Evil Qi from the neck area.
Stiff neck is a symptom of wind invasion. The body is protected by Wei Qi protected by the lung channel/Metal element. It is a protecctive Qi of the body. It’s like the “shields” for a starship just like in the TV show Star Trek. Wei Qi is a protective set of frequencies that prevents “evil” Qi from coming in according to Chinese Medicine. Evil Qi is a set of frequencies that is disharmonious with the body’s own frequencies. An example of Evil Qi is cell phone frequencies and it can penetrate weak Wei Qi fields. LifeWave Patches can reinforce your Wei Qi field so that the Evil Qi doesn’t penetrate as much.
If someone is starting symptoms of a cold (cold-wind in Chinese Medicine) it can be helpful to patch GV 14. If someone is shaking or itching then there might be a lot of “wind” and it might be helpful to use GV16 with the Aeon and the Y-Age Glutathione patch on GV14. That way C1 to C7 spine is covered with patching energy.
Make a big energy triangle:
- To make it stronger, you can put IceWave patches on BL57 in the calf, white on right leg, tan on left leg. That creates a nice big triangle of energy.

IceWave Only protocols:
- points at the neck GB20 – white on right and tan on left, affecting the wind gate – cutting down on spasms
- Ding Chuan which is 1/2 cun on either side of GV17 (in the space between C7 and T1) and u
Triple Burner 10 image: se White on right and tan on left. That’s similar to putting a single Aeon patch on GV 14.
- Arching technique – Triple burner 10 is in the space behind the lower end of the upper arm bone. If you only have icewave patches, you can do an arc by putting white on right and tan on left. The Qi flows from white to tan patch. (You can also use a Y-Age patch on GV14 to make a nice triangle)
- Luoshan point – back of the hand proximal to the index and middle finger knuckle – put white on the right and tan on the left.

By the way: points around the joints are for moving fluid around the channel.
Patching Painful Ah Qi points – you can patch trigger or points that hurt
- knot is an excess condition – put a tan Icewave or tan energy enhancer or SP6 on the point. Then put a positively charged patch on the meridian near that point so Qi flows in the right direction. If you push on the knot and it hurts then it is an excess. If you push on it and it feels better then it is a deficiency symptoms and you can put the Y-Age patch right on it.
- Principle – you use the negatively charged patches (tan and SP6C patches) to rebalance “excess” or heat points and the positively charged patches (white patches with the exception of SP6C) on “deficient” points.
Using patches to support neck realignments:
- tonifying the deficiency and sedate the excess. Anywhere you have a bump or bones jutting out would be an “excess”and you’d patch with a tan patch… and where you have a divot or hole, you’d use the white patch to tonify.
- To stabilize the Atlas (C1): You can use GV15 or 16 using any Y-Age patches. Alternatively, you can use all three Y-Age patches: Y-Age Aeon GV 16, Glutathione GV 15, Carnosine GV 14 and use stomach 9 on the sides. You can try TB 16 or 17 on the sides to help align C1 (Atlas). You can add CV23 near the hyoid bone on the front too if you don’t mind a patch on the front of your throat.