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There are three Jaio’s or “warmers” in the body. The imbalance of blood sugar is related to all three “warmers”. The middle warmer is the one that is most affected when blood sugar is out of whack. You can use a glucometer before and after rebalancing energy and within seconds a high blood sugar can go back down to normal. You can also measure the blood sugar by sensing what’s in the energy field of the person.
You take a copy of the person’s field in the palm of your hand and feel an imbalance if you’re sensitive or trained to do this. The most common pattern in Chinese medicine is called a Dispersion Thirst (polydipsia – wanting to drink a lot of fluids and polyuria – having to urinate a lot). There are urine dipsticks that can tell you whether someone’s urine has sugar in it. In Chinese medicine weak kidneys and spleen energy can cause problems in blood sugar balance.
The middle warmer imbalance is a spleen and stomach Qi 6 deficiency. Tonify (strengthen) the acupuncture point Spleen 6 to support the energy of the spleen. The simplest approach would be to use an Y-Age Glutathione patch and stick it on CV 4 or 6 below the belly button. Over the next few days of daily use, Dr. Dennis has noticed that his clients’ blood sugars have stabilized. Another simple strategy is to follow the brochure points with the glutathione patches.
To check where to find acupuncture points go to www.yinyanghouse.com.
A more complex protocol would be The Dr. Dennis protocol for Diabetes/sugar balancing support:
Month 1 he goes through detoxing with the Glutathione patches during the day (brochure points) and Carnosine and silent nights both during the night (he uses silent nights on the right and Carnosine on the left side of the body at the same time). Also use the 5 Elements rotation during the day at the same time.
Month 2 detoxing with Y-Age brain balancing protocol at night for the first two weeks, then continue the 5 elements plus glutathione/carnosine/silent nights as per month 1
Month 3 continue 5 elements rotation with Energy Enhancers, however days 1-5 replace
- Day 1 Energy Enhancer EE with Spleen 6 (can use SP6C on left TAN EE) and right Y-Age Aeon on top of right WHITE EE)

- Day 2 Acupoint Stomach 21 SP6C left Aeon on right (or EE)

- Day 3 Left BL20 (back SHU point for the spleen)with SP6C and Right Liver 13 (front MU point for the spleen) with Y-age Aeon patch

- Day 4 Wei Guan Xia Shu on the back. Find Thoracic vertebra 8 by finding thoracic vertebra 7. The bottom of the shoulder blade crosses over T7. Then one below that is T8. Then 1.5 inches on other side of T8 is this point. If you draw an imaginary line on the border of the inside of the scapula, that line would be 3 inches out from the center. This special point would then be in the middle between this outer line and the center of the spine. This point helps to treat the Chinese wasting disease Dispersion Thirst (described in the Tong Dynasty). Patch both sides: SP6C on left and Aeon patch on the right.
NOTE: excess “damp” can cause blockage and swelling. Eating sweets, fried foods and dairy cause excess dampness. The spleen doesn’t like too much sugar, too much damp. Synthetic sugar is even worse! It doesn’t like cold either. Spleen Qi gets damaged with things like ice cream. If you’re working really hard, worrying or studying a lot, this can weaken the spleen Qi.
- Day 5 Repeat any of the above, whichever you like the best. If you’re not sure, then use Day 4’s protocol again.
Feel free to modify the day of the week. For example, you can do Day 4’s protocol twice a week.
Other options for Middle warmer support: LEFT spleen 4 at the same time as RIGHT Pericardium 6. They are both YIN points. You can use Sp6C/Aeon or Energy Enhancer combination.
While we focused in middle warmer, the upper warmer can have imbalances and you could use points like LU9 and Kidney 6 points. There are lower warmer deficiencies caused by kidney yang deficiencies (hint: feel cold listless and lower back pain), then you’d use kidney 3 BL 23 and GV4 as acupuncture points. As you rotate among the channels in the above protocol, you’ll be balancing all three warmers because of the rotation of points.
Sugars that attach to proteins. Carnosine can help mitigate this problem by healing damaged tissue (think eyes – cataracts, and nerves – peripheral neuropathy). The Carnosine patches support your own production of the Carnosine.
Deb: Has multiple infections and high sugars in the morning. Drain toxic heat out of the Yang Ming channel: ST 44 on left and LI 11 on right with IceWave and rotate with Liver 3 and large intestine 4. You can use a Sky-Earth paradigm you can double patch with TANS on both Liver 3 and WHITE on both large intestine 4.
Scott: should he use both thyroid balancing protocol with this protocol? Dr. Dennis said that he can mesh the two together but not both all together. ST9 would be a good point to use with EE and use another pair of points for SP6 (SP6C and Aeon combo) for example. And you can add Glutathione on CV 4, 6 or 12.
Male infertility: Top two acupuncture points would be Aeon on GV4 Life Gate right below L2 vertebrae and Carnosine on CV4 or 6 night or daytime. Alternative would be BL23, KI3 with Energy Enhancer.
Weak eyes/Macula: The eyes are windows to wood. Daytime Liver 3 and Gallblader 37 on the right with Energy Enhancers. You can use this every other day along with the rest of the 5 Elements rotation. The GB37 specifically helps the eyes. The Y-Age patches triangle around the eyes: Aeon patches on third eye, glutathione patches on right temple and carnosine patches on the left temple.
Arlene: pain around the back radiating around to the front of the thigh. Use the Aeon brain balancing protocol during the day and the Support Mountain Triple Triangle Advanced Back pain protocol during the day. Alternatively, you can move the Y-Age up or down for example carnosine right above butt crack GV2 and glutathione on GV4 Life Gate and then Aeon on GV14 back of the neck.