LifeWave Taking A Proactive Approach to Cell Phone Radiation Concerns

The Growing Concern about Cell Phone Radiation

This is part one of a four part series on cell phone radiation. Worried that your cell phone is making you sick? Well maybe you should be concerned. Follow this four part series and you

For the past several years there has been growing concern about the potential danger of cell phones and the radiation that they emit. The telecommunications industry has clashed with independent researchers and scientists on the true safety of cells phones, but what they have agreed upon so far is that there needs to be more research conducted.

On May 31, 2011 the World Health Organization, together with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO/IARC) “classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.”

Additionally, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has listed cell phones on their list of possible cancer-causing substances due to the fact that cell phones give off radio-frequency (RF) waves and may increase the risk of brain tumors or other tumors in the head and neck area.

cell phone radiation

Cell phone usage in today’s culture is simply astronomical, and continues to grow, with an estimated five billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide. Telecommunication companies have assured the general public that cell phones are safe to use and meet all required safety standards, but independent researchers disagree, citing a mounting body of evidence about the dangers of cell phone use and its potentially damaging effects.

According to IARC Director Christopher Wild, “Given the potential consequences for public health of this classification and findings, it is important that additional research be conducted into the long-term, heavy use of mobile phones.”

LifeWave has taken a proactive approach to this growing concern, developing a product that is effective at dramatically reducing the amount of electromagnetic radiation caused by cell phones. This product, LifeWave Matrix, will be released in April to the general public in order to provide a product that provides a real reduction in radiation from cell phones.  Stay tuned for the next article on cell phone safety.

Have any questions, contact me Tami Bushey, RN.

Patch Training Team Member and Independent LifeWave Distributor

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The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences. Thus, individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions.

You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on Phototherapy Patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit If you’re new to Phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave Brand Partner, contact the Patch Training Team Support Team by submitting a message at the bottom of this page/


The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences, thus individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions. You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on phototherapy patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit

If you’re new to phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave brand partner, reach out to the Support Team for assistance in connecting with a member of the Patch Training Team.