In this team training we discuss in detail the four main components of the LifeWave Presentation including the importance of “third party” tools at your disposal. In last week’s team training we discussed the importance of setting goals or intention statements as to the outcome you wish to achieve with your presentation. We also covered marketing the presentation and the options you may wish to take advantage of in your local area.
The most successful technique I have used in my LifeWave presentations is doing them as a training as well as a demo. In other words, I get members of the audience involved in the patching right off the bat so that they leave the meeting fully trained in using IceWave patching for pain. Using an interactive style that I describe in the training, we not only train non-healthcare providers to be confident in using the patches, we have a heck of a lot of fun.
Here is the recording:
[S3AUDIO file=’TeamTrainingCalls/2011-calls/2011-10-06-HostYourFirstLWPresentation-Part2.mp3′]
Dr. Karen