LifeWave Team Training: How to use Social Media and Webinars to Market LifeWave
In this team training, we cover how one can become an expert in a particular field that you’re passionate about and sell LifeWave as part of your wellness web persona. Case study will be Gretchen Uhe’s blog, A preview of the webinar system I will be using in the near future for our matrix webinar allows for repeat webinars without any “presenter”. This will be great for you to be able to market the Matrix or the patches in the future by inviting your prospects to join you on a webinar.
Also we pressed forward on learning about the negative money vows of the third chakra and used EFT to tap these away. In addition we used Energy Enhancer patches to charge and balance the chakras.
Listen in by clicking HERE to the recording of tonight’s team training. Please note, only downline team members and Silver and Gold Access members are permitted to listen to the recordings. Please do not share with anyone outside our team.