The top reasons we don’t lose weight easily & what lifewave patches can do about it
This week’s team training call was on the topic of weight loss. Many people struggle to lose weight even though they exercise and eat “right”. In this webinar, I reveal the top reasons why we don’t easily lose excess weight in our modern society. We go step by step on what these factors are and then how LifeWave patches can counteract these negative factors to help support people in losing weight.
Grace’s daughter, who has special needs, couldn’t help herself. She ate too many “bad” foods such as chocolate and junk food. She couldn’t stop. Grace spent lots of money on buying supplements to get her to stop eating but she couldn’t remember to take them. They were useless. Then Grace got her daughter the SP6 Complete patches. Suddenly her intake of sweets and junk food dropped off naturally without any reminding, cajoling or bribing. She lost 10 pounds so far.
In the webinar we talk about how some of the other patches can help support healthy weight too. Patch Training Team Access members can access the call by going here: This is a private link. Please do not share it with anyone else.
Enjoy the recording!
Dr. Karen Kan