How Chiropractors Can Use LiveWave Patches To Thrive In Their Business
Tonight’s webinar was geared towards chiropractors and pain relief. I presented a slide show presentation that covered how the patches work, the protocol(s) we use to relieve pain as well as how chiropractors can earn additional income in their practice by offering patches to their patients…and more!
In addition to training chiropractors on how to use the IceWave products, I also mentioned how I specifically use Aeon in my practice. Along with some testimonials and images, chiropractors attending the webinar had a good feel for how to use the product and how to introduce it to their patients…and if they are interested, how to do team building with LifeWave to earn additional income.
For Patch Training Team Silver and Gold Access Members, a recording of this webinar is available for your viewing. Please keep in mind that this webinar is copyrighted and is not to be reproduced in whole or in part by anyone without my express permission. Do not forward this link to anyone else.
To watch the webinar click on this LINK.
Dr. Karen