Want to be part of an exciting team?
I’m reaching out to our readers to ask you a question. As you know, our team markets the LifeWave patches. Plus now our newest technology Matrix, that blocks cell phone radiation. Our team is currently expanding nationally and internationally and we are looking for key person/persons to recruit to our sales team to get more customers for its alternative health product.
The person we are looking for should love sales/marketing, have great people skills, have experience as a teacher, trainer or public speaker, is comfortable with computers, have owned a business of their own or works in a people oriented business and has a passion for health and wellness.
If you know anyone like this who you think might be interested, could you please let me know? And please, pass along the word of this great opportunity to anyone who you think might fit the description.
Thanks for your help. We love sharing our great experiences in helping others.
Please Contact Me,
Independent Lifewave Distributor