Phototherapy Patch Q & A March 4th, 2024

Over the past decade, our discussions have spanned various topics, from spirituality to pain management to detoxification, covering nearly every organ in the body. To explore this wealth of knowledge, visit and search for the specific topic that piques your interest.

The best part? All this content is freely available and easily shareable.

Embark on a journey into holistic healing, where our expertise in Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, exercise physiology, and more converge to provide personalized patching recommendations tailored to YOUR unique needs.

This pre-recorded episode will air on Monday, March 4th, 2024, at noon EasternThere is no video replay available for this podcast episode.

*Please note that the original Zoom meeting has been transformed into an audio-only public podcast for your convenience.

Listen to this enlightening episode of Ask the Doctors podcast, where we delve into the fascinating world of phototherapy patches and their integration with the wisdom of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. Discover how these patches can alleviate symptoms and support your body’s innate self-healing abilities.

Hosted by the knowledgeable Dr. Karen Kan and joined by Dr. Dennis Lobstein, both experienced users of these patches, this episode is a treasure trove of insights (special thanks to Christine Baker for your contributions).

They address monthly questions from phototherapy patch enthusiasts worldwide, making it a valuable resource for those on a healing journey.

**DISCLAIMER** LifeWave does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. đźš« The opinions shared in this podcast are based on personal and clinical experiences, so your results may vary.

For official information and training from LifeWave Corporate, visit

However, if you’re new to these patches and DO NOT have a Brand Partner, you are welcome to email for assistance. We’re here to help you on your healing journey.

Healthwise with Dr. Dennis Lobstein

To tune into more in-depth training with Dr. Dennis Lobstein, you may attend the AcuWave Community Health Education Healthwise Clinic Zoom room on the third Monday of every month at 2:00 PM Pacific (find your timezone).

To contact Dr. Dennis for a personal consultation, message him on Facebook here.

The Zoom Room Link is available through the PDF below.

Discover how to improve your health, including how energy and Asian Medicine work. Nurse Heidi and Dr. Dennis will facilitate this call, and each discussion topic is open to those in attendance. He will be discussing health science and overall well-being*.

For additional wellness training with Dr. Dennis Lobstein, click here. to attend the online clinic meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month.

*In this clinic, Dr. Dennis and Nurse Heidi do not cure, treat, or diagnose any allopathic Western disease.

Limited Time Offer:

Nurse Heidi, a Holistic Health Coach, is working on her certification and is open for pro-bono sessions. She is very knowledgeable about patches. You may call her at (310) 902-4555 for limited-time openings.

**DISCLAIMER** LifeWave does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. đźš« The opinions shared in this podcast are based on personal and clinical experiences, so your results may vary.

For official information and training from LifeWave Corporate, visit

If you seek further guidance on phototherapy patches, please contact the Brand Partner or Distributor from whom you purchased them. đź“¦

If you’re new to these patches and still need a Brand Partner, you may email for assistance. 

We’re here to support you on your self-healing journey!

*Please note that when we mention the Yin/Yang pair, this means a patch on the left side of the body relative to “Yin” in energy compared to a patch on the right side of the body relative to â€śYang” in energy. 

Examples of Yin/Yang pairs are:

  • Energy Enhancer: Tan patch is yin, White patch is yang
  • IceWave: Tan patch is yin, White patch is yang
  • SP6C patch: Worn on the left (yin), Aeon patch on the right (yang)
  • X39 patch: Worn on the left (yin), X49 patch on the right (yang)

Yin/Yang pair (meridian yin/yang pair) also refers to patching a Yin acupuncture point on the left side of the body and a Yang acupuncture point on the right side belonging to the same element. Examples of Yin/Yang pairings:

  • Earth: Spleen/Stomach
  • Metal: Lung/Large Intestine
  • Water: Kidney/Bladder
  • Wood: Liver/Gallbladder
  • Fire: Pericardium/Triple Burner (more emotional) or Heart/Small Intestine (more physical)

Q & A Callers

Anne W.

Q: A friend does acupuncture and swears by it. How would you describe why the patches?

A: Dr. Dennis: You can’t use metal needles on some points, so we have an alternate in the patches (for example, CV8 on the belly button). It’s great for people who don’t like needles. Needles use good Qi and intention, stimulating the spirit of the points through mechanical means (so the practitioner needs to be in a positive, energetic space). Patches are phototherapy and stimulate the spirit of the points through light as opposed to mechanically

Dr. Karen: The patches help maintain the improvement from acupuncture between visits and increase the speed of self-healing. It helps people become more empowered in their healing journey instead of relying on someone else to fix them. There is less of a need to know the specificity of points and how to rotate the needles. Less dependent on the “energy and health” of the practitioner. Convenient, non-invasive (less risk of pain, bleeding, infection). More specific (needles are not known to raise specific peptides such as Glutathione, Carnosine, Epitalon, etc.)


Q: Is experiencing diarrhea. Blood in the stool, low functioning kidneys, trauma to the bowel. Patching recommendations?

A: Dr. Dennis: Spleen Qi Deficiency or low-grade infection. Or toxic damp heat in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

How can you tell? Smell it! If the diarrhea has no smell, it is from Spleen Qi deficiency. If it does smell, it might be the latter. Spleen Qi tonified by Spleen 6 points.

Combos: Energy Enhancer on both points or a Yin/Yang pair (see intro above) with Spleen 6 and Stomach 36 (similar to ginseng energy which helps regulate Qi). Drain Damp Heat using an Energy Enhancer or a Yin/Yang pair (see above intro). Drain damp with Spleen 9 on the left foot. Clear heat with Stomach 44 on the right foot.

Colon Support:

  1. Back SHU point for the colon Bladder 25 in a yin/yang pair to regulate Qi and the colon.
  2. The alternate is left Spleen 15 and right Stomach 25 as a yin/yang pair
  3. Tonify Qi in general by putting salt in the belly button and a bit of moxa above it, or you can patch over the belly button with a Y-Age patch (Aeon).

Protocols for hormonal support: Patch Aeon behind the right ear or third eye to balance the endocrine/hormonal system. It’s okay to patch a second Aeon covering the belly button hole (Dr. Karen’s double Aeon protocol).

Triangle of hormonal support: Aeon behind the right ear, Carnosine behind the left ear, and Alavida on the third eye. Day or night.

Allie B.

Q: Patching recommendation for symptoms of indigestion. The lower esophageal sphincter is non-functional. Melatonin is no longer effective.

A: Dr. Karen: Avoid peppermint oil, caffeine (disables the LES from functioning well), and tight clothing. Anti-acid medications decrease acid levels but do not prevent reflux. Acid is required for proper digestion of your food. If your acid is too low, you don’t get the nutrients from your food, particularly protein. Acid is also protective against invading microbes.

Dr. Dennis: Rebellious Stomach Qi. When it goes upwards (reflux, nausea, burning) instead of downwards, it is considered “rebellious.” Need to regulate the Qi to go downwards. Conception Vessel 12 is the front Mu point for the stomach. The Glutathione patch is Dr. Dennis’ favorite. You can use any single patch if you don’t have a Glutathione patch. Conception Vessel 15 could also be helpful (near the LES) – patch with X39 and/or X49

Damp heat – you can use points that resolve this (see above – Spleen 9 and Stomach 44). Moxa can be helpful over the belly area of Conception Vessel 12 (not when you have the patch on – wave it back and forth).

Excess points (red, hot, painful) can be soothed with a tan patch alone. It wouldn’t hurt to put the positive patch elsewhere (centerline) or at a right-sided point like Stomach 36


Q: What is a protocol for oxalate dumping? Right knee and hip and fascia pain and stiffness.

A: An acidic diet can precipitate diet. The patches may help you become more alkaline, but shifting the diet can be helpful. Dr. Karen mentioned that stress can cause the body to be acidic no matter what diet you’re on, so consider Aeon to help with stress if that is an issue.

  • Energy Enhancer with the 5 Elements Protocol can help you become more alkaline, according to Dr. Dennis’s experience.
  • Carnosine and/or X39 may help soften fascia stiffness

Triangle Protocol: IceWave on Bladder 57 bilaterally (both sides) and Y-Age on the triangle’s apex (Support Mountain Protocol). Manage stress with Aeon because if you’re stressed, you’ll become acidic.


Q: Can patches be used for an 8-month-old infant?

A: Dr. Dennis: Infants and small children often have Spleen Qi deficiency. Needling with acupuncture is very quick, like seconds even. So you don’t need to use patches for very long. Spleen 6 is a great point to wave the patches over. It connects with the kidney, liver, and spleen.

Dr Karen: Try using a sweep technique with an Aeon in a circular motion over the belly (if colic pains) to get the Qi moving. 

Q: Which patches are safe for pregnancy?

A: *Dr. Karen avoids Glutathione patches (detoxification) during pregnancy and breastfeeding (in case toxins are released). Her preference for her former patients was to use Aeon, Energy Enhancer, and IceWave because she felt using light was much safer than using pharmaceutical drugs. She would muscle test whether other patches were for the highest good for them. Everyone is different. Perhaps the X39 would be fine.

*Important: Avoid acupuncture points that can contribute to miscarriage if needled early in pregnancy, including Large 4, Gallbladder 21, and Spleen 6. These points cause energy to go downwards. Until the time of birth, avoid these acupuncture points to prevent the possibility of a miscarriage.

*The patches have not been studied in pregnancy. Advice is based only on anecdotal personal clinical experience from Dr. Dennis Lobstein and Dr. Karen Kan.


Q: Patching protocol recommendation for night sweats and insomnia in 60-year-old on 6th year of menopause since 2018?

A: Dr. Dennis: Try the left Spleen 6 point using the SP6C patch and the right Triple Burner 17 with the Aeon patch. Tonify kidney yin, Kidney 3, or Bladder 23, during the day with Energy Enhancer patches during the day. You can combine all of the above. 

Dr. Karen: Consider adding Alavida to the third eye at night to help regulate hormonal signals. You can rotate it from the third eye to the bottom of the right heel. 

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The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences. Thus, individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions.

You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on Phototherapy Patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit If you’re new to Phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave Brand Partner, contact the Patch Training Team Support Team by submitting a message at the bottom of this page/


The advice provided here, including the use of phototherapy products, does not claim to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate medical conditions. Our insights stem from personal and clinical experiences, thus individual results may vary. For serious medical concerns, consult your trusted holistic healthcare provider and trust your intuition when considering our recommendations.

Approximately 85% or more of individuals experience significant benefits by applying the acupuncture points highlighted in the LifeWave brochures, supported by thorough research. These points are recommended as primary areas for patch application.

By participating in our Zoom sessions or utilizing the information on this website, you understand that our discussions extend beyond phototherapy and assume full responsibility for any outcomes resulting from our suggestions. You agree to absolve LifeWave, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Karen Kan G, her team, and all members of the Patch Training Team from any liability.

For additional corporate resources on phototherapy patches, consult a LifeWave Brand Partner or visit

If you’re new to phototherapy tools and lack a LifeWave brand partner, reach out to the Support Team for assistance in connecting with a member of the Patch Training Team.