I’ve Taken No Pain Meds for Severely Sprained Ankle
On Wednesday night, I decided to vacuum my mini-van in preparation for driving kids on a field trip the next day. After finishing, I jumped out of the van and unfortunately severely sprained the upper part of my left ankle. Freak accident!
Within seconds, the outside of my ankle was the size of a tennis ball. My family was quickly at my side, and I asked my daughter to bring me my acupuncture patches. I immediately put a brown IceWave patch directly over the outside ankle and the white IceWave under my knee (about two finger widths below the knee on the outside of my calf). Then I place one Aeon patch on top of the brown IceWave patch (on the ankle) to amplify its effect.
My husband got me a towel and ice, so after putting on the acupuncture patches, I covered my ankle with a towel and put an ice pack on top of that. About 5 minutes later, my pain was totally gone and I lifted the towel to take another look at my ankle. I was delighted, because the swelling had gone down significantly.
At the Urgent Care center about 40 minutes after the injury occurred, I was asked about my level of pain (to rate it from 1 to 10…ten being most painful). My answer was ZERO. The nurse seemed amazed by that. She asked me what the circular patches were on my ankle and leg. She had never heard of acupuncture patches, but I bet she’ll be researching these all-natural, pain relievers after seeing how well I was doing shortly after this injury!
After this experience, I will always have IceWave and Aeon patches in my first-aid kit. They saved the day at my house. Thank you David Schmidt for such a wonderful invention.
Gretchen Uhe
LifeWave Patch Training Team Consultant
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