Special teleseminar with healer, Marie McMahon, LMT
Are you ready for the teleseminar tomorrow?
In case you don’t know it yet, I’ve finally convinced my good friend and cranial sacral therapist, intuitive healer Marie McMahon, LMT, to join me on a teleseminar to share with you exactly HOW the body actually heals. If you’ve ever seen the movie Shrek, you’ll chuckle when I tell you that you’re like an onion. You have many layers to you. As you enter the healing process, you begin to “unlayer” the many parts of your body that are ready to return to a balanced, healthy state.
Many times, I’ve asked Marie, “How come I’m not fully healed yet?” to which she answers by explaining how the body has its intuitive way of knowing how, when and how much to heal at any given time. This has been a fascinating journey for me that Marie was able to “see” old wounds in my cranial system once certain aspects of my body became strong enough to heal them. Now she’s working more deeply with my body, my chakras, my lymph and my cranial system to unlayer parts of my dis-ease that was not ready to be healed before. It is a very exciting process indeed!
Marie entered the field of healing through Physical Therapy in 1988. By 2005, she expanded her education to include a certification in Massage Therapy. Through years of hands-on experience with her clients, Marie has learned to integrate her keen intuition and listening with a tool belt full of advanced and practical skills for both the physical and emotional bodies. Her philosophy is to assist clients in regaining one’s full potential by working WITH their inner wisdom. Marie’s in-depth holistic experience combined with her love of teaching is a gift to those desiring to learn more about their bodies and overall health and wellness. Specialties include: correcting painful postural misalignments secondary to muscle imbalances, orthopedic injuries, head injuries, chronic pain and conditions due to overuse, illness and emotional tensions. www.facebook.com/
Join me as I inteview Marie McMahon as she explains the process of unlayering in the healing process. It is unlikely that you’ve heard this material in this much depth ever before, so please take advantage of this special opportunity to be a part of this teleseminar:
Monday September 17th at 10 AM Eastern New York time
(www.timeanddate.com to find your time zone)
Join the conference call:
Dial: (805) 399-1000 or Skype: freeconferencing.8053991000
Access Code: 511258#
You’ll be able to ask questions during this hour-long teleseminar and it will be recorded. I look forward to chatting with you tomorrow morning!
Dr. Karen Kan
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