“All The Runners Know About LifeWave By Now”
Two very successful ultramarathon runners, Paula Surasa Mairer and Nidhruvi Zimmermann, are now wearing LifeWave patches in order to provide the support they need to be successful in their ultrarunning events.
Mairer and Zimmerman are both currently participating in a 3,100-mile race in Queens, New York, that takes place over a 7-week period and that ends in early August. This means this race is the equivalent to running about two marathons A DAY for seven straight weeks!
To support them in their success, Paula and Nidhruvi are wearing Energy Enhancer, Y-age Aeon, Y-age Glutathione, and IceWave patches.
The runners report that they really like the patches and that “all the runners know about LifeWave by now.”
As of a week ago, both runners were halfway through the race and Paula was in 7th place within the entire field of runners (including men), and specifically among the women, she was in first place!
LifeWave is proud to sponsor and support these two phenomenal athletes as well as all of our other endorsers around the globe.
Keep going, Paula and Nidhruvi. We are proud of you two!