‘In August 2017, I injured my right shoulder in a fall. Diagnosis: tear of 2 tendons For personal reasons, I refused an operation. Medical treatments and physical therapy until April 2018 did not improve at all. Almost any sleeping position caused me pain and I have not slept through a single night for months. In July 2018, I began to use X39 locally.
Over 2 weeks I had no improvement again, but on day 18 my shoulder felt a bit lighter. After 30 days sticking with X39 my shoulder got better by 80% Since I swam regularly and competitively, it was extremely frustrating not having been in the pool once since almost one year.
I will use X39 for another month and I am convinced that my shoulder will be 100% resilient and pain-free afterward.’
For a quick and easy way to get your 30 or 60 day supply of X39, check out the instructions on PDF HERE