Weight Loss Resolutions
Here we are it is almost February, How is your weight loss resolution going?
Like most everyone we all vow to lose weight come every January. Mostly due to eating all to rich and yummy Holiday treats.
Here is a nice article that really makes sense when it comes to weight loss.
Also in case you may have missed it our own Dr. Kan was recently part of a telesummit and gave us very helpful patching techniques for weight loss. LifeWave patches can help you lose fat by decreasing the stress response that tells your body to keep the fat (for emergencies!) with LifeWave Y-Age Aeon patches (and balancing your brain), decreasing your appetite with SP6 Complete patches, and detoxifying your body (many toxins are stored in fat) with Y-Age Glutathione Patches
You can find her tips and information in our LifeWave Team Training blog posts as a Silver or Gold Access Member.
Hope 2012 is a year for a new healthier you.